Industrial farming has wrought incalculable damage on our planet. As such, it is unsustainable. We need alternative ways to for us to derive our nutrition without devastating our place…Mother Earth!
Waste Transformation Farming is that method.
It also means more income, better health and greater food security for those who embrace it.
WTF is productive, resilient and sustainable.
Productivity is the rate of output that is created for a unit of input. It’s used to measure how much you get out of an hour worked – or a dollar of investment. It follows, therefore, if you don’t have to pay (or pay less) for livestock feed and fertilisers, you are more productive. WTF offers unparalleled productivity.
Resilienceis the ability for a system, entity or individual to endure stress. It’s how well you take a hit…and how well you bounce back. If you’re not in debt to feed and fertiliser suppliers, and you have a diverse range of products, you’re in a better position to cope with market downturns and adverse weather events…while still putting food on your table (literally). WTF is the most risk-averse way to farm.
Sustainability, in a WTF context, means deriving your nutrition and livelihood without harming the planet. No chemical pesticides or herbicides. No chemical fertilisers. No production systems that produce toxins. No discharge of effluent to groundwater. WTF is arguably the most planet-friendly act that you could undertake.
The availability of fresh water is one of the more pressing limits to world agriculture. WTF embraces integrated aquaculture strategies that mean that you will use much less water (than conventional farming) …or it will provide you with unparalleled productivity for the water that you currently use.
WTF provides for biological and financial leverage.
Leverage is your ability to influence the outcome of your efforts – without a corresponding increase in the consumption of resources. It occurs when we integrate two or more food production systems. Integrated systems are always more than the sum of the parts. They’re the agricultural equivalent of 2+2=5 (or more).
When we gather the manure from chickens and feed it to black soldier fly larvae and worms we get not only eggs but also live animal protein for chickens and fish, excellent soil amendments…for no added cost.
WTF is infinitely scalable.
You can practise waste transformation farming in your backyard. You can set up a social enterprise to empower impoverished villagers. You can expand a backyard micro-farm to become a commercial enterprise.
To summarise…WTF will provide more food – of better quality – in a shorter time – at lower cost. It will give you more for less!
And our planet will love you for it.
The next article will look at WTF from a practical perspective. We’ll walk you through HaveMore Farm…our very own waste transformation farm.
If waste transformation farming interests you, and you’d like to talk about it with other like-minded people, feel free to take up membership of my Have More For Less forum.
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