At the heart of de-cluttering (on the way to simplifying our lives) is the notion that we should identify the essential – and eliminate the rest.
While we generally think of clutter as having a physical form – like objects that you can see and touch – it also extends to other things like:
- ideas
- thoughts
- mindsets
- habits
I love new ideas…and I constantly think (and write) about them. I’ll often spend large amounts of time entertaining ideas to the exclusion of other things that I really should be doing.
I also have a continuous improvement mindset which means that I’ll often be so busy trying to make something perfect that it actually prevents me from just making it good…with the result that nothing happens. Perfectionism is said to be the mother of procrastination…with which I have enormous experience.
Suffice to say, some people find this irritating.
While it’s often interesting to reflect on what other people think (another great time waster), I’m really motivated to do something about this because I have a lot of things that I want to do before I depart this mortal coil – and mental clutter is an obstacle to that happening.
Anyway, in my quest to resolve this issue I’ve enlisted the assistance of Leo Babauta – author of “The Power of Less” – The 6 Essential Productivity Principles that will Change Your Life.”
Babauta’s big 6 include:
- Set limitations
- Choose the essential
- Simplify
- Focus
- Create habits
- Start small
Since this is an abiding topical issue in my life, I’m going to commit to a project to fix it. I’ll be documenting my progress on my Have More For Less discussion forum…HERE…and you’re welcome to join me to see how things are going…and to discuss any aspect of de-cluttering.
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