The Integrated Aqua-Vegeculture System (iAVs) is a remarkable food production system.
If we had to encompass all of its attributes in a single word it would be sustainability.
- It is capable of unparalleled productivity.
- It generates no waste which is not 100% recyclable (like plant residues).
- It uses less water than any other food production method – including other aquaponics variants.
- It requires less energy to build and operate than any other aquaponics system.
- It’s scalable from the family or village to commercial enterprises.
All of that speaks to iAVs as the food production method of the future…..and it’s FREE for the taking.
That’s right! We’re not selling anything…..not pumps, fish food, tanks, plan sets, kits. We’re not even selling information…..not videos, books, seminars.
We’re giving it away……FREE!
If humanity cannot learn to derive its sustenance on this planet in a responsible and sustainable fashion – to coexist with nature rather than consuming it – then what possible hope is there for our futures?
Mark has given half his life quite literally to this idea……and 30 years after the initial discovery, (and in declining health) he’s still putting several hours every day into furthering the implementation of iAVs.
He wants nothing more than to see this remarkable technology brought to bear for the benefit of humanity.
We’ll even work with those who want to develop their own iAVs projects.
All you have to do is try it.
So, what’s stopping you?
Hello, I´m Andrew from Colombia, working on aquaponics now for a couple of years, today I have 3 small scale systems running. For your information, Colombia is a developing country and the UVI aquaponic system model its pretty expensive to develop here.
Looking in facebook I found Mr. VKN in India and start researching for iAVS sand growbeds.
Next week I´ll be building my first sand growbed. Its surprising that I havent found any video of and iAVS system running, can you share with me any of your own videos.? Would really help me.
All recommendation from this page have been taken into account for building the system. You can find pics in my instagram acount, @acuaponiacolombia, will share the results… thank you for your time.
Thanks for your interest and efforts. I hope you’ve found our recently created Facebook Group
All ‘available’ video is on VHS tape (from late 80’s) and has not been digitized or edited for presentation.
And 99.99% of all other images only exist as 35 mmm slides.
My bad! Had the internet been a concept, existed then, it is likely things would be very different now.
At that time I did not have access to a reliable crystal ball.
I do appreciate that most people today want to see video, to ‘learn’ (or so it is claimed) by watching.
I council/suggest that true learning can only result from engaging, in doing (physical interactions in the real world).
I assume that you’ve wandered around this site and seen some of basic presentations.
Do you have specific questions which we have not yet addressed?
I more than suspect that you – and absolutely no one else – actually wants to hear what I happen to ‘think’ (know) about UVI (and sequela). But you are quite correct … in as far as you went.
We are attempting to establish a mutually supporting community of do-ers on Facebook.
Perhaps you’ll consider joining us (them) there.
Dr. Mark McMurtry
Thank you for taken the time to answer and invite me to the facebook group, (you would find a request at the group as Pipe Martinez). I do agree with you that learning can only result from engaging.
About the UVI system, I think that it have its merits, however in my country, Energy cost, and food cost cant make it work. I did the numbers and from my point of view its not financially feasible using that high energy consumption 24/7. I think that the break even point its hard to find in developing countries with that model. Maybe Mr. VKN have more experience and can bring some light to this topic.
Thanks again for your time and you attitude of helping and sharing your knowledge and experience. My goal its to spread a model for food production home scale. In my country around 40% of people live under poverty condition, and 55% under accute food insecurity.15% under chronic food insecurity, so we need means for food production at home.
“As for the goldfish-powered iAVs….watch this space.”
Well that has been over 5 months since, How much longer will I have to watch for it????
Terry….Until I get around to it. Of course, if you are flush with research funds, I’d be happy to prioritise it accordingly.
OK! I’ll be here! 🙂
I understand Mark’s position but generosity can travel in both directions (gift economy is less like paying than transactional economy).
ok then! It’s going to have to wait in line (after the quail (working on cages this weekend), mealworms, and maybe duckweed(?) get started), but I’m game. I’m going to have to start small (goldfish? Guppies? (I like guppies :)) It’s not that I don’t want edible fish, it’s just that… well, *small* is going to experiment better for me)… I guess I can be your test-case for how small it can be. I just read, your (Gary) chapter on goldfish-salad aquaponics. Where shall I look here for the scaled down version of iAVs?
By the way, though you may feel differently, I have no aversion to “donate” buttons on blogs. Is that worth considering? It’s not like you guys live in a vacuum and don’t need to pay for things too.
Wendy….congratulations on your decision to raise quail….the quintessential small-holder’s micro-livestock. They are delightful creatures. Mealworms and duckweed are also very useful organisms.
As for the goldfish-powered iAVs….watch this space.
We appreciate your willingness to “donate” but Mark has determined that iAVs should (at this level/stage) be free – and I’m happy to support that position.