How would you like to be able to produce large quantities of live animal protein….out of thin air?
Well, you can!
The Soldier Fly is arguably one of the best kept secrets of sustainable farming.
The larva of the Soldier Fly can be used to convert large quantities of organic wastes (including fruit and vegetable residues, offal and manure), into high quality animal protein that can then be fed directly to chickens and fish.
The good news doesn’t end there. This remarkable creature is genetically programmed to harvest itself. When it reaches maturity, it will climb out of its food source, crawl up a ramp (cleaning itself as it goes) and drop into a container ready for collection.
SF adults do not go into houses or eating places. They do not have functional mouth parts so they do not eat waste and nor can they regurgitate on human food.
They do not bite or sting and they are not associated in any way with the transmission of disease. Not only do they not behave like the irritating flies that afflict humans, Soldier flies actually reduce housefly numbers by 95% – 100%… denying the flies access to food.
Soldier Fly larvae are dry to the touch and have no odour.
The only real issue with Soldier Fly larvae is the poor image that attaches to flies in general and larvae in particular.
The mere thought of associating with worms and flies (much less fly larvae) usually fills most people with a sense of revulsion and the notion of close contact with bacteria raises thoughts of pestilence and plague.
The truth is that, not only are there bacteria and flies that are harmless to humans, life as we know it would not be able to exist without bacteria and flies.
The pet industry has overcome the image issue by marketing SF larvae, as live food, to owners of fish, birds, frogs and reptiles, under the more innocuous name of Phoenix Worms.
In the quest for home-grown livestock rations, more robust smallholders have long experimented with earthworms and various types of larvae.
Producing consistent quantities of earthworms requires some skill and takes at least 90 days to produce your first harvest.
Producing consistent quantities of Housefly or Blowfly larvae will happen much faster but harvesting them will put you in direct contact with some of nature’s less endearing disease couriers.
If you want to produce consistent quantities of animal protein with little effort and without getting too hands on, then Soldier Fly larvae are for you.
Waste Conversion
They have attracted the attention of researchers because of their capacity to consume large quantities of organic waste including pig and poultry manure. So voracious are the larvae, and such are their numbers, that they will sometimes displace worms.
Like worms, they will retreat from light. Unlike worms, however, they can tolerate very hot conditions.
When fed fresh manure, SF larvae convert protein and other nutrients in the manure into insect biomass. Aside from reducing manure volume by 50%, the larvae may reduce nutrient levels by 50% – 70%.
Soldier Flies do not limit their interest to livestock manure. They will happily lay their eggs in compost bins. Quite often, the owner of the bin will be oblivious to the fact that it is Soldier Fly larvae (rather than worms) that are consuming their kitchen scraps with such vigour.
SF larvae also handle offal and dairy wastes very effectively. This is a very handy attribute because, when you process a fish, chicken or rabbit for food, about half of the live weight is going to comprise viscera (guts), skin, feathers, scales or other inedible waste that will require disposal.
Soldier Fly larvae will convert this waste to live protein leaving you with compost that has an earthy odour and the texture of ground coffee. Soldier Fly larvae manure is a very useful soil conditioner and it makes excellent worm bedding.
Life Cycle
Adults mature and mate in the wild. Soldier fly adults congregate in small numbers near a secluded bush or tree in order to find and select a mate. After mating, the female searches for a suitable place to lay her eggs. She produces about 900 eggs in her short life of 5 to 8 days.
The male Soldier flies do not make contact with organic waste. To optimise their chances of survival, the females prefer to lay their eggs close to the waste rather than in it. About 100 hours later, the larvae hatch then crawl into the waste, which they begin to consume.
They start out white and gradually change to grey. They have the appearance of large segmented maggots and are often flat on the underside. One end is round and the other end tapers to a point.
Under ideal conditions, the larvae reach maturity in about two weeks In the absence of sufficient food, or in cooler weather, it may take up to six months for them to grow to the pre-pupae stage. SF larvae pass through 5 stages. Upon reaching maturity, pre-pupal larvae are about 25mm long, 6mm in diameter, and they weigh about 0.2 grams.
Pre-pupal SF empty their gut during their last moult and cannot feed thereafter. At this stage, the larva has everything that it needs to sustain it as it changes from pupae to adult fly.
The ability of the Soldier Fly larva to extend its life cycle under conditions of stress is a very important factor in its management for managing wastes and as a food source for poultry pigs and fish.
When the larvae are ready to become adult flies, they clear out their gut and start to look for a safe and private place in which to pupate. Famous for their ability to climb a 45° ramp, the larvae will crawl out of their food source and make their way to a collection point having effectively sorted themselves by size (only those ready to pupate will make this journey) and having cleaned themselves on the way.
The SF larvae’s capacity for self-selection makes them a better choice for small livestock diets than earthworms which still have to be separated from their bedding and sorted by size using manual or mechanical means.
Use of Larvae in Livestock Rations
Producing your own small livestock rations isn’t just a matter of economics; it’s a cornerstone of any attempt to produce clean, fresh food.
Commercial rations may contain preservatives, antibiotics and a host of questionable ingredients. The only way you can be sure that you know what’s in your livestock rations is to mix them yourself.
Dried SF pre-pupae contain up to 42% protein and 35% fat and feature an amino acid and mineral profile which leaves them well suited for use as livestock food.
Feeding studies have identified that SF larvae are suitable for use in poultry, pig and fish rations. Some researchers suggest that SF larvae are the nutritional equivalent of (and a suitable replacement for) fishmeal. This has important implications as wild catch fish stocks continue to dwindle.
Arguably, the biggest issue in using these remarkable creatures for livestock rations is overcoming the negative image that attaches to flies and insects. The simple fact, however, is that left to their own devices, small livestock will eat worms, larvae and insects – very often to the exclusion of expensive commercial rations.
Week old ducks, chickens or quail will hunt and eat flies and most species of fish will (in the wild) eat anything they can get their mouth around.
Any attempt to create sustainability that fails to acknowledge the role of bacteria and insects is doomed from the outset.
Worms, larvae and bacteria transform materials like manure, plant residues and animal processing by-products into more worms and larvae and soil conditioner. The worms and larvae can be combined with other ingredients (like duckweed) to produce rations for quail, chickens, ducks, rabbits and fish and the soil conditioner can be used to enrich your gardens.
Soldier Flies and backyard farming are good for each other, no matter how you cut it.
Hi I am located in Adelaide, South Australia and want to buy some Black Soldier Fly Larvae to feed to my fish during the summer months.
I need enough to get a culture going to provide a handful of larvae every second day.
Hi Gary,
Just in case William Mutahi doesn’t get in contact with me would you be able to share his email address with me? Your assistance is highly appreciated.
Hi Laura,
I’ve responded to your request.
Hi William Mutahi,
I would be interested in buying BSF larvae in Kenya.
Please get in touch!
Hi. I would like to grow some BSf larvae. I am near Coffs Harbour in Australia. Where can I buy some to start.
Hi Shunyam,
If you create the appropriate circumstances (a store of decomposing plant or animal waste), the BSF will come to you. Just set up a compost bin and keep adding food scraps or animal manure to it. You’ll know when the BSF arrive…..because the “compost” will become darker in colour and its mass will be quickly reduced.
Hi. I am very keen to start feeding my chooks and ducks BLF larvae and convert my compost. Where can I get some around Bellingen to get me started?
Hi thank you very much for your response. Witbank is in Mapumalanga South Africa and about 100km from Johannesburg Gauteng and Pretoria. I would really would like to know where I can purchase BSF in South Africa.
Your assistance in the above matter will be highly appreciated. Thank you once again for your response. My email address is
Thank you
How much fish and poultry fodder do you produce onsite with the BSF larvae and duckweed etc., compared to the amount you need to buy in. How much meat and eggs does this produce? You said on another page that a vegetarian familly should be able to produce all their food on 1000sq meters. How much aditional land and inferstructure do you think would be needed to produce enough feed onsite for enough poultry and fish for a familly to eat flesh as well as vegetables every day?
Hi El,
These are all good questions but, at this stage, I’d struggle to provide precise answers. As a micro-farmer, my primary ambition is to produce food rather than research data. This is not to reject the questions but simply to suggest that I have not undertaken that work…..yet!
It’s fair (and logical) to say that I require less purchased feed for my quail (for example) by supplementary feeding of BSF larvae and duckweed. As to how much….I can’t be certain.
I’m sorry I can’t be more help to you…..but I thank you for the question which suggests the need for a comparative trial around supplementary feeding. I might start with quail.
Where can I purchase Black Sholdier eggs or larvae? I am currently residing in Witbank.
Hi Kobus…..where is Witbank?
where can i buy some Black soldier fly maggots or larvae.
i am near paarl in the winelands.
Salim Khatib – I live in Zanzibar too and BSF larvae found my compost heap – I’m making prototype composter-harvester right now to promote to everyone who keeps chickens to feed them for free. If you want a handful of larvae contact me via my programme’s facebook page and you can have some! But get the conditions right and they will find you.